Protestresolutionen bezüglich der Ereignisse in Sri Lanka

Diese Resolutionen wurden der Botschaft von Sri Lanka in Wien sowie dem sri lankesischem Präsidenten übermittelt.

Letter of Protest regarding the attacs on peace-activists

We, the undersigned, view with grave concern the growing threat in the Republic of Sri Lanka to the safety and lives of opposition parliamentarians, social activists and members of socialist and democratic political parties. This is a direct result of their principled stand against both the apparent intention of the Sri Lankan Government and President Rajapakse to engage in war and against the individual terror tactics of the LTTE (Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam).

How dangerous the situation has become has been illustrated in recent

times by:

o The daylight assassination on November 9, 2006, in Colombo of Nadaraja Raviraj a member of Parliament for the Tamil National Alliance

o The violent action taken by armed thugs on Tuesday January 9th, 2007, in Colombo to stop an anti-war public rally called by the United Peoples Movement. The UPM is a broad coalition of groups and individuals whose aim is to prevent the slide into civil war in Sri Lanka which would be a disaster for the ordinary people on the island whether from the majority Sinhala population or the minority Tamil speaking people;

o The dozens of death threats to the Convenor of this meeting, Siritunga Jayasuriya of the United Socialist Party.

The attack of 9 January was particularly significant as the gang of thugs, armed with guns and batons, was led by the Deputy Minister of Labour Mervyn de Silva who is an associate of Rajapakse.

We note that President Rajapakse has enacted Prevention of Terrorism legislation that suspends civil rights and democratic freedoms and allows citizens to be “disappeared” by the police with virtually no recourse to legal representation.

We demand President Rajapakse and the Sri Lanka Government take immediate action to:

· Stop all threats to the safety and lives of anti-war activists;

· Halt attacks on democratic freedoms, human rights and the right of oppressed minorities;

· Take immediate action against Deputy Minister Mervyn Da Silva for his actions on 9 January.

We demand that the LTTE stops all terrorist attacks on the civilian people of Sri Lanka and declares their preparedness to restart the peace talks.

We further call on President Rajapakse and the LTTE to immediately halt military action and attacks against Tamil-speaking people and to enter negotiations for a just, democratic and peaceful resolution to the Sri Lanka national conflict.

Breiteneder Sandra, Vorsitzende der Sozialistischen Jugend Wien – Chairwomen of Socialist Youth (Youth Organisation of the SPÖ) Vienna

Gehmacher Michael, Shop Steward ÖHTB, personal capacity

Mag. Grusch Sonja, Chairwomen of Socialist LeftParty

Hilberth Sven, Shop Steward - Chair Radio Orange, personal capacity

Prof. Keller Fritz, Bundesvorstandsmitglied der GÖD - Member of the Central Body of Municipal Workers of Austria

Messner Mirko, Bundessprecher der KPÖ – Public Spokesperson of Communist Party of Austria

Parteder Franz, Landesvorsitzender der KP-Steiermark – Chairman of the Communist Party of Austria - Styria

Wanko Herbert, Shop Steward NXP- Sound Solutions (former Philipps), personal capacity

Zach Didi, Landessprecher der KPÖ-Wien – Spokesperson for the Communist Party of Austria/Vienna

Europabüro des Weltgewerkschaftsbundes – European Bureau of the World Federation of Trade Unions (WGB)

Gewerkschaftlicher Linksblock im ÖGB – Trade Union Left Block within the Austrian Trade Union Federation (GLB)

Jugend gegen Rassismus in Europa – Youth against Racism in Europe (JRE)

Plattform für kämpferische und demokratische Gewerkschaften – Plattform for figthing and democratic trade unions

Sozialistische LinksPartei - Socialist Left Party (SLP)

Sozialistischer Widerstand International – Socialist Resistence International (SWI)

Solidaritätsadresse Ernest Kaltenegger, Klubobmann der KPÖ im Steiermärkischen Landtag

In der Republik Sri Lanka leben Oppositionelle, die sich für ein friedliches Zusammenleben aller Bewohnerinnen und Bewohner der Insel einsetzen, seit langem gefährlich.

Der wachsende Druck auf die Zivilbevölkerung, die systematische Missachtung der Menschenrechte und die Politik der Eskalation gipfeln in politischen Morden, die das Land in letzter Zeit erschütterten. Das Resultat sind riesige Flüchtlingswellen, entwurzelte Familien und Tausende, die zu einem Leben in Armut verdammt sind.

Dauerhafter Frieden ist nur möglich, wenn die sozialen Probleme gelöst werden, anstatt sich hinter konstruierten Konflikten zu verstecken. Die KPÖ Steiermark appelliert an die verantwortlichen Kräfte in der Regierung und an den Präsidenten der Republik, alles daran zu setzen, die Gewalt zu beenden und sich auf einen friedlichen Weg zu begeben.

Ernest Kaltenegger, Klubobmann,


Herrengasse 16

A-8010 Graz

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